Thursday, 14 January 2016

My top tips!

I'm so happy to say this is my first blog of many. For years I have considered making a blog, and I've finally plucked up the courage, in fact there is so many things I've managed this year already and we're only 2 weeks in!

So I thought for my first post I'll tell you a bit about my life.So here goes, I'm Jodie Ellen Brunt was born on the 7th of August 1998.When I was born I had a disability called Congenital Hip Displasia (for those who don't know what it is its basically where your hip socket and muscles don't form properly) I had major corrective surgery at the age of 3 which unfortunately didn't work. To this day I still suffer with Hip problems however I believe that my past is what has made the person I am today and without that I don't think I'd have the strengths I have to go on day by day.

You may wonder why I've called this my top tips if I keep Talking about myself... well my top tips are to help you people and give you the strength which I had when I needed it most.

So here is my 5 top tips.

NEVER give up!
I was always told I may never be able to walk, let alone do normal things like horse ride or even ride a bike! But i stayed determined and didn't let what people said stop me; so neither should you.

It's surprising how a singular smile can change a persons day. Have you ever walked down the street and have a complete stranger smile at you? you get that warm feeling and realise not the whole world is messed up. Now imagine how comforting that singular smile is to someone else? The old man down the road who lives by himself? The first smile he has seen in days maybe even weeks.

Laughter is the key to Happiness
Now as you can tell this is my favourite quote but you know what its true. A world without laughter is no world at all. Make the effort to laugh a few times a day not only does this smiles but it releases a feel good chemical in the brain.

Compliment Yourself
Now I'm not talking walk up to people and be like " I look hot today!" I'm talking take 5 minutes everyday to look at yourself in the mirror pick at least 3 things out that you like about today's: outfit, make up, hairstyle whatever it may be and when you've finished that say to yourself today is a good day. because really everyday is a good day regardless of what happens you're alive and well

And my final yet most important tip...

Always believe in yourself and follow your heart
Your own worse enemy is yourself. No one holds you back bar yourself. your Head&Heart. Believe in yourself even an ounce of belief makes all the difference because that way you can say 'yes' to things you once never would. No one can take your dreams away so always follow them!

And I can't believe it that is my first blog done. I've done it and it was much easier than I thought it would be. I can't wait to continue writing them! I hope youve enjoyed my first EVER blog and please let me know what you think!

I hope these tips help you and have a fabulous week!

A Leap, Skip and A Jump! xxx


  1. Hi, Jodie! :) Great first post! Your life advice is very thoughtful and full of wisdom. :)
    Have an awesome blogging journey! :)

  2. This is really well written Jodie! Not many people get a structure like this on their first post.
    I'm definitley going to take on board your tips!

  3. Keep it going girl�� lovin it!! X
