Friends Are The Most Important Ingredient In The Recipe Of Life.
If you guys haven't already guessed what this post is about; its about friendships. The ins and outs. And more importantly what you need to make a friendship work.
At the age of 16 I moved from our family home in Southport with my mum and sister to start a new life else where, Southport was the only home I knew, all my friends were there. In the September I walked into college not knowing anybody. For me personally, making friends is quite daunting. Not being able to tell if someone likes you or not is always a struggle. Or the group of friends you're getting involved with; you know nothing about them really. I find the unexpected friendships are always the best ones!
I've chosen the topic of friendships because just recently I feel I've drifted from the ones I should be close with and got close with people I shouldn't. There is no worse feeling than feeling like you're losing your best friend through no ones fault but your own. So I'm prepared to change that, so here it is step by step to make you the best friend you could possibly be.
Step 1: Always listen!
For me this is the biggest one you could possibly do. Friends always need you at their darkest times and all they need is a shoulder to cry on and for an open ear. Someone that's not going to tell them what to do but someone that will support them. Myself, well I would be lost without my best friend always listening to my problems, and I know for a fact I don't thank him enough.
Step 2: Honesty Is The Best Policy.
I literally live by this. No matter what relation you are to a person always be honest. No matter how bad it might be always tell them, this gives you a good chance to make the relationship to grow stronger. Also showing that you're an honest person tends to build trust.
Step 3: Make Time For Them And Stick To Your Word.
If you've not seen each other for a while make the effort to go and see them. There is no such thing as "not enough time." You always have plenty of time its how you use that time that counts. Also is you make plans stick to them. Never ever cancel hours before unless something drastic has happened. There is nothing more annoying that cancelled plans especially if you're up and ready to go.
Step 4: Forgive and Forget.
If you friend ever does something wrong resolve the problem and forget about it. At the end of the day they're your best friend for a reason and your going to need them sooner or later. I had to learn this the hard way but its by far the best lesson I learnt.
Step 5: Stop Talking About Them.
We all know how easy it is to get onto the conversation of someone and it can turn all quite nasty very quickly. This step is the simplest. Just Stop.Regardless of who it is. If you're a true friend you wouldn't have to talk about them behind their back you should be able to speak openly about it to them...
Step 6: Show Interest.
My final step. Show interest in everything they do whether it be career choice, new hobby or even the new lad they're speaking to! I'm really struggling to come to terms with the fact my best friends moving away to University as of September I am literally going to miss him like mad but I've got past that. Give him credit he has worked his socks off so he can get to Uni and honestly I couldn't be prouder.
At the end of the day, you will always need your friends so keep them close. Remind them how much you love them and how much they mean to you. My best friend must do it a couple of time a day I always get a text saying "Guess what? Love ya xxxx" and its the greatest feeling ever. And most importantly continue your journey together, grow stronger, and make memories!
Hope you've enjoyed this post and have a fab week!
A Leap, Skip And A Jump!xxx
P.S. Sam If you're reading this thank you for everything and I love ya!!
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