Friends Are The Most Important Ingredient In The Recipe Of Life.
If you guys haven't already guessed what this post is about; its about friendships. The ins and outs. And more importantly what you need to make a friendship work.
At the age of 16 I moved from our family home in Southport with my mum and sister to start a new life else where, Southport was the only home I knew, all my friends were there. In the September I walked into college not knowing anybody. For me personally, making friends is quite daunting. Not being able to tell if someone likes you or not is always a struggle. Or the group of friends you're getting involved with; you know nothing about them really. I find the unexpected friendships are always the best ones!
I've chosen the topic of friendships because just recently I feel I've drifted from the ones I should be close with and got close with people I shouldn't. There is no worse feeling than feeling like you're losing your best friend through no ones fault but your own. So I'm prepared to change that, so here it is step by step to make you the best friend you could possibly be.