Sunday, 24 January 2016

Friends Are The Most Important Ingredient In The Recipe Of Life.

Friends Are The Most Important Ingredient In The Recipe Of Life.

If you guys haven't already guessed what this post is about; its about friendships. The ins and outs. And more importantly what you need to make a friendship work.

At the age of 16 I moved from our family home in Southport with my mum and sister to start a new life else where, Southport was the only home I knew, all my friends were there. In the September I walked into college not knowing anybody. For me personally, making friends is quite daunting. Not being able to tell if someone likes you or not is always a struggle. Or the group of friends you're getting involved with; you know nothing about them really. I find the unexpected friendships are always the best ones!

I've chosen the topic of friendships because just recently I feel I've drifted from the ones I should be close with and got close with people I shouldn't. There is no worse feeling than feeling like you're losing your best friend through no ones fault but your own. So I'm prepared to change that, so here it is step by step to make you the best friend you could possibly be.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Mid-week Bake!

Mid-week Bake!

Been excited all week for this post. I have been mums best Banana cake for ages so when I asked her to make it she said she would teach me. So I have decided to share it with you!

What better way to use up those bruised, brown bananas that nobody will eat, than with a yummy cake that everyone will enjoy!

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Things you need to know before travelling!

Things you need to know before Travelling!

My first Travel blog of many, who's excited? Because I definitely am!For those who know me, my life long dream has been to travel the world. At the age of 14 I made  a list of all the places I want to go and who with. The who with list may have changed now but the places... well they never changed.

I was talking to a friend recently and he intends on travelling South East Asia (possibly) in the next year and listening to his plans has made me so much more ambitious. My thought was "The world is so big I don't even know where to start!!" But really it's not too big, it's beautiful,different and full of adventures we walk everyday.

Friday, 15 January 2016

The Liebster Award

The Liebster Award

I'd like to say a massive thank you to Kia for nominating me for this award. I'm not going to lie I didn't have a clue what it was before today seen as I have only been blogging less than a week ahah.

 Thankfully the lovely Kia explained what it is otherwise I wouldn't of had a clue where to start!

The rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2. Display the award on your blog - by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a "widget" or a "gadget". (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post)
3. Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you. 
4. Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
5. Nominate 5-11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have less than 1000 followers. (Note that you can always ask the blog owner this since not all blogs display a widget that lets the readers know this information!)
6. Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer.
7. List these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here.) Once you have written and published it, you then have to:
8. Inform the people/blogs that you nominate that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!) 

Thursday, 14 January 2016

My top tips!

I'm so happy to say this is my first blog of many. For years I have considered making a blog, and I've finally plucked up the courage, in fact there is so many things I've managed this year already and we're only 2 weeks in!

So I thought for my first post I'll tell you a bit about my life.So here goes, I'm Jodie Ellen Brunt was born on the 7th of August 1998.When I was born I had a disability called Congenital Hip Displasia (for those who don't know what it is its basically where your hip socket and muscles don't form properly) I had major corrective surgery at the age of 3 which unfortunately didn't work. To this day I still suffer with Hip problems however I believe that my past is what has made the person I am today and without that I don't think I'd have the strengths I have to go on day by day.

You may wonder why I've called this my top tips if I keep Talking about myself... well my top tips are to help you people and give you the strength which I had when I needed it most.