Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Where Have You Been!?

Long time no see I know I'm so bad at balancing out time and I mean it's been months this time I feel such an awful person ahah. I've been so busy with one thing and another (especially college) I've finally found a few hours to sit down and fill you all in.

I can't actually recall everything in order but my latest achievement had to be the hair show I took part in on Sunday at college. After months of preparation it finally came all together and everything went to plan even if I was a bit stressed and FAR to hot. I chose a theme of tribal and winged possibly the whole day but in the end I loved it.

I can't thank my model enough for sitting there for 5 hours in the sweltering heat, with straws, pins, doughnuts and god knows what else hanging from her hair.                
I would of dreaded crossing my path that day, I don't think I would of got done if it wasn't for the amazing Miss Kia who jumped in to help me with the make up. I think I made it up to her the other day though with a fat scran of dominoes.                                        

This was the final look I completed with 5 minutes to spare, with thick hair that's the length down to her bum it was the biggest challenge id ever had in the hairdressing experience but I wouldn't change it for anything.

You're all probably wondering who won well... it wasn't me but the person I lost to had put a ridiculous amount of time and effort into her work and she well deserved it. Lisa's work was truly amazing and you could see that she had thought long and hard about it. her theme was 'Mad Max' and this was the winning piece.

Over the past few months I have had a fair few rough patches as my twitter followers will know (thankyou for all your support guys!) so I took it upon myself to more or less shut myself off from my personal social media and focused on myself, family and friends. I had, what felt like, my first experience of heart break and it made me realise I'm so distanced from the people I care for most so I've made a point of catching up with at least 3 friends (out of college) a week. I would recommend it to anyone its made me open my eyes to how shut off I was and I've become so much happier!

What else have I done... I went to Paris! It's still as beautiful as I remember! It was meant to be an 'educational' trip with college well i mean we went to the Wella studios in Paris for like 3 hours so I guess it was ahah! The weather stayed dry for us which was perfect as we decided to take an open top tour bus and check everywhere out! We said we would check out the French cuisine however a baguette is all we got to, you can keep your snails!

I must admit the Disney store stole my heart how could I not but some Minnie Mouse ears!? it was impossible!!

Our first French baguette experience was of course celebrated with a selfie! we just couldn't resist!             

This is my favourite picture I got of the Eiffel Tower, I managed to capture it just right... even if I was running away from a man trying to sell me keyrings!

On the 9th of April I got to celebrate my beautiful best friends 18th birthday. As most of you are already aware 18 isn't all sex, drugs and alcohol as she figured out when she woke up the next morning with one stinking headache. However it was a lovely night full of laughs, memories and a lot of awful singing and dancing!

It feels like only yesterday we were only those little chubby cheeked girls giggling away playing 'mummy's and babies'. However I feel privileged to of watched such and amazing person grown up and build themselves to the person they are today. Kia if you're reading this I just want you to know how proud I am of you and how much I love you! You have become such and amazing woman and you should be proud of yourself!

I did a good deed as well in the past few months! I know it sounds silly that I'm happy with myself but ! always get concious in case someone doesn't appreciate it so I avoid it if I can. Anyway after weeks of consideration I made a care package for my best friend who is struggling with personal issues at the moment. For anyone who doesn't know what a care package is, it's a shoe box full of comforts that will help someone on their bad days.

The thing about care packages is they don't have to be full of expensive things it's the thought that counts. I spent £15 in total on this one for India and I don't regret a penny.

I included: Sweets, Socks, Face Masks, Candles, A friends Quote and a few other bits and bobs. I didn't want to just hand her the box and say there you go so I wrote a letter to explain...

But the amazing thing about such a little idea is how much it meant to her. I know India's not big on words and never has been but for the first time in a long time I witnessed her cry and I knew there and then I had touched her and it meant a great deal to know she had someone that is never going to give up on her. Later that evening I received a small message off her mum saying "Jodie you're a beautiful person and a fabulous friend! Your mum must be so proud. we love you xxx."

So basically to sum up the last couple months, I've focused on me and the people who mean most to me. I have got myself into a better mind set for everything and I'm making some big changes to my lifestyle and for once I'm excited.

I'm glad to be back, a Happier, Brighter me!

Have a fab week!
A Leap, Skip, And A Jump!xxx