Monday, 22 February 2016

My Beauty Favourites!

My Beauty Favourites!!

Another 2 weeks has flown past so quick again I can't believe it. The past week has been so busy even after loads of plans were cancelled I ended up busy! I experienced my first ever Frankie And Benny's (and the best bit is I didn't have to spend a penny!) Then I had an old friend from Southport come and visit for a few days so it was lovely to see her and then this weekend has been the recovery after a heavy night Saturday! However I must admit I do make I good pink lady is I do say so myself haha!!

Anyway I have been reading a lot of beauty blogs and I have found they all use quite high end and a bit on the pricey side. So I'm allowing you to look into my make up bag, there is a couple of things I've treated to myself but generally I use the reasonably priced cosmetics.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Note to self: I Am Enough

Note to self: I Am Enough

Two week guys, I  am so sorry I've been so busy and when it came to writing I just went into total melt down and couldn't think of anything. That's normal for beginners right? Haha. And then if things couldn't get worse! I was making final adjustments and completely deleted itself so I apologise in advance if there is a couple of mistakes.

Anyway, Friday evening I was having a conversation with a friend, he's been split up with his ex for a while now and he was explaining how he felt about not only the situation but himself and it broke my heart to listen to. I wouldn't say it was a rough break up but there is a lot of lose ends from what a can gather. He cant go a day with out thinking about her and (the biggest one of all)he always questions if she's happy. The more detail, the more it broke me as a person how rubbish he feels about himself is unbelievable and that's when it clicked. Self-worth.

The dictionary definition of self worth is: a feeling of confidence in yourself that you are a good and useful person. Its shocking how many people feel like they're nothing and feel as if they aren't worthy. So this post will more than likely apply to most of you, but never forget you're all amazing and unique in your own way.